Sunday, March 14, 2010

- Chemo Land

Yep, now that my bad reactions to the first phase of chemo are a thing of the past, I am into the regular chemo schedule and am finally experiencing what it's like when it's not intermittent.

Translation: I am in la-la land half my life, now. Sleeping. Waking up. Eating. Going back to bed. Waking up. Eating. Watching TV. Going back to bed.

It's a fascinating life, but someone has to do it. 

Listen, I'm not complaining all that loudly. After hearing so many stories about people on chemo who spend most of their days throwing up & getting painfully thin, sleeping is a welcome alternative to all that.

Of course, there was a small part of me that was *hoping* I would get thin through all this . . . but if throwing up is the price I have to pay to be thin, then thanks, but I guess I'll settle for pleasantly plump.

Well, something very cool happened this past week! As many of you know, a local newspaper The Suburban did an article on me in their February 3rd issue, and I got lots of feedback on that. You can see the article on the front page of my website: click here and scroll down the Home page.

Anyways, one of the people who read that article was Anne Marie Laurin, a volunteer with the West Island Relay For Life, run by the Canadian Cancer Society. She emailed me this week, and here's what she said:

"Last month, I read an article regarding your story in The Suburban, and recently read your blog. Your uplifting attitude is an inspiration, and helps to put everyday life into a clearer perspective.

It would be an honour and a great pleasure if you would agree to be our Honorary Guest Speaker at our Survivors'  Reception on June 18th, an event  that honours those who have fought cancer, or are still battling the disease. We are expecting approximately 70 people at our reception this year. 

I realise that you are still undergoing chemotherapy and this is not an easy time for you, but if you are up to it, I believe your message would inspire others to set the tone for a healthy recovery."

Cool, huh? I actually should be finished chemo by then, so it shouldn't be any problem to do this. I love public speaking! And maybe I'll even sing the Menopause song for them! That'll go well with dinner . . .

Ah, you see? There are perks to just about everything in life . . .

Well, I don't mean to be repetitive, but . . . well, I have to go sleepies, now. My bed is calling me. 

- Tomorrow is Chemo #4. Well, it's actually Chemo #6 in the grand scheme of things, but it's Chemo #4 of Phase 2 - the Taxol / Herceptin Phase.

- After tomorrow, only 8 Mondays to go.

- Then a month off, when I may have some corrective surgery done on my scars (but I'm not getting reconstruction - too much bother & there can be complications.)

- Then, in July or so, 28 sessions of radiation, 15 mins. a day, every weekday.

- Then 3 months or so of Herceptin, once every 3 weeks.

Then, Lord willing, by November 2010 - FREEDOM! Back to "normal"!! 

Whatever that is. Will I remember? 

Blessings to you, and have a great week.

Love, Wendy  xoxox

I Will Change Your Name
I will change your name
You shall no longer be called
Wounded, outcast, lonely or afraid
I will change your name
Your new name shall be
Confidence, joyfulness, overcoming one
Faithfulness, friend of God
One who seeks My face

© 1987 D.J. Butler / Mercy/Vineyard Publishing


  1. I am so proud of you....they will certainly LOVE you!!! Things are quieting down for me the next 2 weeks....let me know when you are up for a 30 minute chat....I'll bring the tea......

  2. Wow, Wendy! I'm sure that you will indeed continue to be an inspiration to the many people you would not have met without the cancer. You go, girl!

    I'm with you. Thin and vomit or plump and sleepy, I'd take the plump too!

    And thank you for reminding me about that song. I haven't heard it in ages, but it's one of my favourites.

  3. Hang in there girl! You are doing exactly what you should be doing.....listening to your body and resting when it tells you to. I'm so proud of you. Blessing to you today and every day.

    Much love,
    Wendy G.

  4. Hi Wendy, Congrats..What fun to be asked to are always i think an inspiration!
