Friday, August 21, 2009

- Psalms

Random musings . . .

"The Lord protects them and keeps them alive. He gives them prosperity in the land and rescues them from their enemies."

"The Lord nurses them when they are sick and restores them to health." Psalm 41: 2, 3

"He has some fatal disease," they say. "He will never get out of that bed!" Psalm 41:8

"But God is my helper. The Lord keeps me alive!" Psalm 54:4

Having typed out these verses, let me say that I realize none of them is a guarantee of health nor of long life. In my experience, the only time we can say with certainty that certain verses apply to us is when the Holy Spirit quickens them to our hearts and makes those verses so real to us, that it's then we know God is speaking to us individually and making it a promise.

Not understanding this principle can lead to some beliefs that leave people devastated when the verse they put their faith in does not prove 100% true in their own lives. Not understanding this principle can lead to the "name it, claim it" doctrine - selecting verses from the Word, repeating them over and over, vigorously claiming them, and then expecting them to be absolutely applicable in any situation that believer deems fit.

When someone continues to be sick, or even dies, that believer can't understand how he put his faith in God's Word, only to have it seemingly "fail". This can lead to self-condemnation, or worse, to condemnation of others for being "weak in faith" or "having sin in their lives" because the verses didn't come to pass.

BUT . . . having said all that . . . I have read these verses, and will continue to meditate on them until I hear from God & figure out what He may want to say to me in all of this . . .

Thanks for standing with me!


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