Hi, it's me, Timmy. So CTV News came here last Monday to take some cutie-pie shots of me being nice to my Mom. I was really happy they were coming so that's why I practiced A LOT before they came here.
I got my pictures taken in lots of different poses and stuff like that:
I look pretty hot on camera so I wasn't worried.
So they came here - a man and a lady - and at first it was okay and I kinda liked them. They were nice and they didn't seem too stuck up like some movie people. But then the guy pulled out THIS BIG BLACK CAMERA and STARTED POINTING IT AT ME AND I HATED IT!!!!
I bolted into the other room and dove under the bed to get away from him. AND MOM CAME AFTER ME AND DRAGGED ME out from under there and tried to make me lie on her lap AS IF EVERYTHING WAS NORMAL!!! FORGET IT, BABY!!! NOT WITH THIS KITTY, YOU DON'T!!!!
I tried hiding under the rug.....
I tried hiding under the rug.....
I even thought maybe I could make a quick escape by jumping out the second story window.....that woulda taught them not to mess with me!!!

Finally, they gave up and started interviewing Mom (as if this is all about HER).
Ya, the lady's name is Tania and the guy with the STUPID CAMERA is Rudy. See how big that STUPID CAMERA is????
Anyways, so then the camera guy got the idea he would hide in one room and Mom would pick me up and hang onto me in the other room and he'd shoot me (with the camera) from the other room when I wasn't noticing. FAT CHANCE, BUB!!! I NOTICED!!! Anyways, I decided to act a little calmer just so they could get their shots and GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!
They took pics of me sitting on Mom's lap while she blogged on her computer, and then they took pictures of me lying on the couch with her (Mom gave me some tuna as a treat to bribe me to behave, which was cool).
And FINALLY they LEFT ME ALONE and they all went to the hospital to do some more films WHICH WAS FINE WITH ME!!!!
Love, Timmy

Actually, it wasn't all THAT bad. I could see the headlines as they were trying to film him: "Timmy the Tabby Terrified By TV". Someone should have told him show biz isn't always all it's cracked up to be. Guess that someone should have been me.
Anyways, the piece will be airing on CTV Local News Sunday, January 3, 2010 at 6 pm and then again the next day, Monday, January 4, 2010 on the noon news. I'll post a link to the story here on the blog (if Timmy allows me, that is....)
Here's Tania Krywiak of CTV News interviewing Liliana Komorowska about her film, "Beauty and the Breast". We came to the Jewish General Hospital so CTV could shoot some additional footage of me getting chemo, only I didn't get chemo this day, so we had to fake it!
Timmy doesn't know it, but in the New Year, Liliana's coming here to film Timmy and I blogging together. I can only imagine what THAT'S going to be like (please....don't tell him.) We'll have to figure out a way to break it to him gently sometime soon.
Have a wonderful evening!
Love, Wendy (AND TIMMY!!!!)
Here's the link for the CTV story:
Click on: "Jan. 3, 2010: Breast cancer patient uses humour to fight illness", under the video cube.
And I thought he was destined to be a big star!................
ReplyDeleteHappy Holidays Wendy and George,