The week of Prednisone I was on for the small vessel vasculitis revved me up higher than a kite, but now that I've stopped taking it, I'm down in the basement energy-wise, plus there's some chemo in the mix that's doing a number on me, giving me fatigue, so all in all, I'm doing lots of resting.
Oh, by the way, the Kitty Santa isn't Timmy, in case you're wondering...it's just a random cat photo that someone sent me the other day.
Well, if you'll recall, a couple of weeks back I briefly mentioned Brahms (that's his first name - cool, eh?), who is a Social Worker at the Jewish General. I told you I had some funny tales about him and that I'd tell you about it all in the near future. So today's the day - here we go!

But in all my years I have never - and I mean, NEVER - seen a hospital with the categories of Social Workers that the Jewish General has. What's up with that? I mean, they are hyper-organized! They are super-duper-organized!! They have Social Workers for different body parts!!!!!
I am NOT KIDDING! I just found this out last month! They have a Social Worker for Breast Cancer. They have a Social Worker for Prostate Cancer (would everyone please make sure you say "prostate" cancer, not "prostrate" cancer? They're two COMPLETELY different words!). Anyways, at the Segal Center (the area designated for cancer) I think there are six different Social Workers in all!
But Brahms - ah, Brahms just takes the cake. Why, you ask? Well, what makes Brahms so special in my books is that he is a COLO-RECTAL Social Worker. Yes, indeed! A Colo-Rectal Social Worker.

Oh, listen, folks - who am I to malign a man's profession, noble (or ignoble?) as it is? And I'm sorry if I'm offending anyone who has this yukky type of cancer - I mean no harm. But I am sorry - if you think I'm gonna take this one seriously without making a single joke over it....? You're just WRONG!!! This is FUN TIME!!!!
What's even MORE fun is, Brahms is just as wacky as I am! I've found a kindred spirit!
We met like this: it all started off innocently enough. I dropped by the Social Workers' office late one afternoon to see if there was someone around I could chat with. Brahms was there and told me that Naomi, the Social Worker who I'd talked with once before, had left for the day. I asked if I could maybe chat with him.
And that's when he broke it to me. Very straight, he was. He looked at me, and said something to the effect of, "Well, I don't do breasts."
And that's when he broke it to me. Very straight, he was. He looked at me, and said something to the effect of, "Well, I don't do breasts."
Excuse me, sir? "Yes," said he, "I'm the Colo-Rectal Social Worker." "Oh," I said, as if I understood. Our conversation had been going so well. And now this. He doesn't do breasts? No. I haven't got the right kind of cancer to talk with him. Wrong category. Not my day. Sorry, sistah.
Heh heh heh. I tried to keep a straight face; I really did. My mouth started quivering, which is how it usually starts when I'm about to go into high mania mode. But at least I gave him some advanced warning. I broke it to him that I'm a bit of a comedian. And then....it pretty much went downhill from there.
"So," I asked innocently, "Just how did you become a Colo-Rectal Social Worker?" And Brahms looked me straight in the eye again, and said, "I kinda came in through the back door." Badoom! Yessss!!!! A fellow comedian!!!! Ooh, the splendour of it all!!!
"Do you enjoy your job?" I deadpanned as I started to lose it. "Well," he replied, "I'd like to move up!"
"Ah," I said wisely, "You'd like to be an Abdominal Social Worker!" "Exactly!" he replied. "I have such a sh*tty job!!"
"So," I ventured, "when you're at a party and you've had a bit too much to drink, do you start mixing up your words and end up telling people you're a Colo-Social Rectal Worker?" Now Brahms was laughing harder than I was. We'd started and it was impossible to stop!!! "Does the end justify the means???" "No, the end IS the means!!!" And so on. It was a memorable meeting.

We were doubled over, not from our double lattes but from the sheer silliness of it all....a Colo-Rectal Social Worker. How anally retentive is THAT, Jewish General????
Does Human Resources have his full title on their files? Is he a CRSW for short? What if someone in our provincial government offices wants to know what the acronym stands for? Does Human Resources, like, tell them?
Oh, anyways....maybe you find this whole dissertation foolish, but I....well, I find it just hopelessly fun. And whenever I meet Brahms, which I hope is fairly often, I will continue to sharpen my wit at his expense (and with his full co-operation, I might add).
And besides, last time I bumped into Brahms in the Chemo Department, he came up with the idea that we should do some Colo-Rectal schtick somewhere at a talent night or whatever. I think it's a marvelous idea. I think if we did, it would all work out...in the end.
Good night!
Good night!
Hysterical! I love the way you see the humour in any situation.
ReplyDeleteOnly you Wendy! Too funny! I think everyone should find humor in something at least once a day, if not more. Laughter is really good medicine for anyone, even if you are not sick. Life can be far too serious sometimes. I can't wait to see a comedy act with you starring in it. I'm sure it will be the best.
ReplyDeletei love it! thanks for sharing this fantastic story... hopefully you guys will be able to squeeze out some more humour the next time you both plop down at the same coffee shop. (i tried... i'm not quite as refined as you)
ReplyDeleteOh man that made me laugh. It is amazing how you deal with all of this. Ur a very strong woman.
ReplyDeleteHi Wendy,
ReplyDeleteI just read this truly hilarious blog at meeting Brahms. You are just too funny and I can picture the two of you sitting there at the Second Cup. Oh, how I would have loved to be sitting at the table next to you.
I hope you're doing well and I think of you often.
I would love to join this group and keep up to date with your blogs but I'm not blog savvy and I'm not sure where I go to sign up. Please let me know so that I can keep reading about your hysterical adventures with Brahms. You always put a smile on people's hearts and faces and I pray that you know what kind of an inspiration you are to many of us.
God bless you, Wendy.
That's hilarious! I'm so happy you found a kindred spirit... but how *did* that guy end up in the Colo-Rectal department? Did they assign it to him because his boss said he was being a pain in the..., or did he just say "I'd like to do butts"?
ReplyDeleteOk I'll stop... I'm not as refined as you either!
As usual you are too funny Wendy. Glad you are feeling good and had a restful Christmas.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful New Year as well.
If you ever do the schtick with Brahms...I want to be there!!!
Me too, I would even buy tickets to see a show like that!
So cool that you've found someone who can tickle your funny bone as much as you do for others! Hope you had a cozy Christmas Wen. Love, Tamara
ReplyDeleteHey there young lady! Happy New Year to you!
ReplyDeleteWhat's up with all of this " Back Door " humor anyway?lol
If you take this show on the road, you have to come to my neck of the woods here in upstate NY. :)
I'm very glad that your off the pred...doing my best to continue my very slow taper off of the stuff.